Where can I work in Spain?
You can currently apply for the following positions in sunny Mallorca:
- Waitress/waiter
- Bartender
- Help in the kitchen
- Cook (with experience)
- Receptionist
- Maid
Remuneration and working conditions ANIMATOR:
- work 5 days a week, off 2 days a week
- net monthly salary 950 – 1 250 euro
- free meals up to 3 times a day
Interviews with employers
A common requirement for getting a job in Spain is to pass an interview in English or Spanish.
If you are unsure of your language skills, don’t despair, we can recommend the ideal tutor to professionally prepare you for the interview.
Required documents
Do you already have an NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) – this is the identification number that every foreigner needs to work, study or reside in Spain. If you don’t have it yet, no problem! We can help you get it directly in Spain for 150 EUR.