(Po-Pá: 9-15)

Dear Madam or Sir,

our agency is for the third year organizing a Summer School in Prague focused on Business, Art, IT and Personal Development courses. Currently we are looking for lecturers.

We are looking for lecturers of several courses, mainly:

  • Project Management
  • Online Marketing (PPC & Facebook Ads)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games
  • Front End Development
  • Multimedia Design
  • Smartphone and Drone Videomaking
      …others that your lecturers would like to add, depending on their expertise

3 two week terms from 17/07/2017 till 25/08/2017


  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • nice classrooms at the French Institute of Prague – right in the centre of the city (with a projector, whiteboard, and wifi)

What will the 2017 Summer School and your course look like?

  • Up to 6 different courses will be running in each term
  • Each course should consist of 50 lessons (4 lessons a day, approx. 9am – 2pm)
  • Lecturers will be paid per hour and we will offer allowance for their accommodation and transport
  • The courses will all be taught in English
  • Students will need to work on a group project as part of any course
  • Maximum capacity of each course is 15 students (we expect to have app. 10)

Who will be the students of the 2017 Summer School?

  • The students will be minimum 18 years old
  • Their level of English will be at least a higher B1
  • They will come from both the EU and outside the EU countries
  • An average student is 22 years old studying at a university
  • Thank you for your help and best regards,

    Team European Summer School in Prague.

    Lucie Palečková
    +420 211 221 501


    European Summer School in Prague

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