(Po-Pá: 9-15)
  1. Because Everyone Should Experience Another Culture at Least Once

In an increasingly globalized society, it’s important to understand and experience other cultures. Learn new recipes, new ways of learning, new ways of getting around, new customs, traditions, and ways of relating to people. There’s no better way to learn about how people around the world are similar and different than to immerse yourself in another culture, and study abroad is a great place to start.

  1. To Challenge Yourself and Grow as a Person

One of the best things about studying abroad — even if it’s also one of the most daunting components — is pushing your boundaries and challenging yourself. It’s ultimately a good thing to push your comfort zone, because as you adapt, you’ll gain invaluable life skills and change and grow as a person in ways you couldn’t if you stayed at home.

This is really what studying abroad is all about: doing something exciting but a little bit scary, experiencing the downs with the ups, and coming through a stronger, more confident, and more culturally-aware person.

There’s no better way to learn about how people around the world are similar and different than to immerse yourself in another culture, and study abroad is a great place to start.

When it comes down to it, study abroad isn’t right for everyone; however, it’s invaluable for students who do go, as well as one of the number one regrets of college graduates who forgo the experience. Even if you still feel nervous, if even a few of these reasons speak to you then chances are you’ll do great studying abroad. With so many reasons to study abroad, the easier question might be, “why not?”

There are many ways to work it out so you can study and intern abroad at the same time. (Or alternatively, take part in a volunteer initiative!) The important thing to remember is that it can be done: sometimes all you need to do is ask for what you want.

Be flexible, and don’t be afraid to ask for a little flexibility in return, whether that means changes to your class schedule, looking for a country with more flexible student working visas, or accepting slightly-odd internship hours. As long as you do your best at both efforts, you’re guaranteed to have a rewarding and productive time abroad.

If you would like to know more about study-abroad possibilities, get in touch with Lucka (l.hornikova@czech-us.cz) who can provide more information for you!

Kategorie: Magazín

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