(Po-Pá: 9-15)

However, the sooner you start thinking about studying abroad, the more prepared you’ll be when application deadlines come around. If you’re not quite sure whether study abroad is right for you — or you need to convince your family — check out these top 10 reasons why you should study abroad.

  1. To Add Some Spice to Your Life

If you’re getting sick of the same old same old, study abroad is the perfect way to get out of the doldrums. When you start to get bored with typical college life, this is a great way to inject some energy and excitement into your life. See new things, meet new people, and settle into a new routine. Studying abroad could be just the change you need!

Study abroad organizations such as Czech-us Agency specialize in study abroad programs off the beaten path. If you’re looking for an experience beyond the traditional summer in Europe, these types of programs are worth looking into!

  1. Because It Will Never Be Easier to Travel than Now

Study abroad will probably be the only time in your life that you’ll get to travel, take courses in another country, and meet other international students your age. Plus, if you study abroad with a provider, most of your itinerary will be planned for!

Study abroad is the perfect way to inject some energy and excitement into your life. See new things, meet new people, and settle into a new routine. Studying abroad could be just the change you need!


In most other travels, you’ll have a lot more logistics to figure out and pay for: accommodations, meals, the language barrier, navigation, and sight-seeing. While solo travel is its own kind of awesome, you’ll always have the future to do that (like a post-graduation gap year?).

Study abroad is also one of the few to only times you’ll be able to an extended period abroad — at least three months, and maybe even a year! Once you’re out in the real world and have a job, it can be tough to cobble together more than one or two weeks of vacation time, so take advantage of a study abroad program to catch the travel bug now, while you still can.

  1. To Meet New People and Make New Friends

Many students hesitate to study abroad because they’re worried about missing their friends or family at home. Between Skype, Instagram, Facebook, and FaceTime, there are more than enough ways to stay in touch overseas. Your friends will still be there when you return home, but you only have this one chance to make new friends abroad.

Study abroad is an incredible opportunity to meet other like-minded students in your program, as well as local people — from host families, to fellow students, to new friends you meet in the streets. If you’re worried about missing friends or overcoming homesickness, just think of all the incredible stories you’ll be able to tell them when you get home.

One of the best benefits of studying abroad with an organization instead of independently is the group of friends you will meet off the bat. Having that initial community in an unfamiliar location will help you combat feelings of frustration or culture shock. Who knows, you may find your new best friend!

Kategorie: Magazín

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