Domů » Spiritual Visit

Spiritual Visit

Godly morning

I got up at 8:30 ready to set off. However, I was the only one who was ready. Everyone else was still sleeping. I was alarmed that we can’t be there in time. But when Ilonka (our landlady) came she just said: „Sweetie, no worry, service ist um 12 o’clock.“ To understand, Ilonka is our lovely old landlady, she is 74 years old. She was born in Yugoslavia and then lived for some years in Germany. She came to Alaska just 20 years ago and that’s why her English is mixed with German and a sort of Slavic language.

I’ll talk more about her any other time.
So here you go… Just stay calm, sleep well and come a 12 o’clock – no rush!

American Spirit

The name of Ilonka’s church is Faith Christian Community. Don’t imagine it like our European churches. These buildings have nothing in common. But so far I supposed that the interior is different. But…it is not.

It reminded me more of some kind of a community centre than a church. There is a front desk, café, offices, and people talking at the corridors. And the hall where the service takes place? Soft chairs, podium, screens, loudspeekers… How about the music? No organ but electric guitars and drums.

Faith Christian Community

And if you imagine the priest like an old serious man, you are wrong again. You should rather imagine your best friend in a bar. The friend, who when drunk, talks too much and tries to share his life advice. It was full of recommendations, warnings and examples. All things you should and you shouldn’t, appealing bit manipulative. To me it was like a big one man show.

You get free coffee, free hot dog, you talk to people, listen to a very nice concert… I am not surprised that so many people „believe in God“ in America.


June 19, 2016



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